Kerin Mayne

VOTE for Kerin Mayne


Discerning omnivore.
Purveyor of doable recipes.
Advocate of palate pleasing food.
Ardent cook.
Devoted wife and mom.

Balanced Diet. They’re not flashy or trendy words. They’re not organic or home-grown words. They’re real words from a real person. I enjoy cooking. I also enjoy restaurants. Finding balance between those worlds is where I’m happiest. When I lean too far to either side for extended periods of time I’m reminded middle is best.

5 years ago I “retired” from classroom teaching and became a stay-at-home mom. In 5 short years I’ve gone from someone who cooked purely on instinct to someone who combines recipes and creative input. I used to serve meals that were thrown together, in between grading papers and writing lesson plans. Now I serve meals prepared from a (mostly) streamlined week-long meal plan, in between being head chauffeur for a 5-year old and household errand-runner. I like to share what I’ve learned about food, whether it’s from the kitchen, grocery store, or restaurant. If I like something I’ll let you know, especially if it’s something I think you’ll like too.